Elevator Pits


Basic pit foundation just wrecked ready for water-stop and wall forms, and...

Rebar Caps!!!

Wall Forming

Here is one where the exterior forms have just been stripped. No wall ties so less chance for water penetration.


Primed and Ready for bituminous membrane.

Bituminous Membrane

Here we have installed the GCP Grace system in strict accordance with installation technique provided in the EOR approved submittal using specified products and Verified Installers.

Drain Board

You can see on this elevator pit we have installed a drainboard to help direct the flow of water away from the footing which has a cant to eject the water away from the footing.


Here we have already back filled with #57 stone, and are in the process of removing our forms and Guard Rails and Replacing them with temporary barriers in preparation of the block masons and scaffold erectors.

Full Monty

Here you can see system that was spec'ed to have a 15 mil ASTME-1745 Class A Vapor Barrier in between the Bituminous Membrane and the drain board.